Join Us In Celebrating All Of The Sacraments At Holy Trinity Parish

If you would like to have your child Baptized, please contact the parish office at 780-960-0135 or email
We are pleased to offer Confirmation classes in the winter of 2022. Registration will take place in mid November 2021. Please see the Confirmation page for more details.
First Reconciliation & First Communion
In 2021-22, Holy Trinity Parish is pleased to be able to offer preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion for children who are at least in grade 2. Please visit our First Reconciliation/First Communion Page for more information on how to take part.
If you’re newly engaged and planning to get married, congratulations! If you wish to get married at Holy Trinity, please contact the parish 6 months prior to the proposed marriage date to arrange a meeting at 780-960-0135 or email
Anointing of the Sick
If someone in your family is ill and requires one of our priests to anoint them, please contact the parish office at 780-960-0135 or email
Confessions are available on Tuesdays from 5:30pm-6:15pm, Fridays from 10:15am-10:45am, Saturdays 4:00pm-4:45pm, or at anytime by appointment. These can be booked through the parish office by calling 780- 960-0135 or by emailing
Priesthood/Permanent Diaconate
(Holy Orders)
God is still calling workers to His vineyard. If you think you might have a call to serve Him as a priest or permanent Deacon, please contact Fr. Marc Cramer at the vocations office at 780-469-1010 ext. 2154, or come see Fr. Paul in the parish office.